Christmas Blog Posts

Jesus is the reason for the season, but we are the reason He came to earth. We celebrate His coming (birth) at Christmas time. But His coming is something we celebrate all year long, so feel free to come back here to read any of my Christmas posts. Merry Christmas to you all!

Silvery green leaves of a Silverleaf Phacelia radiate across the ground covering the entire image
Boarding and Deboarding Noah's ArkThe Ride of Your Life!

Episode 6 of an 8-part limited series about Noah's Ark and why it's the ride of our lives. God cares about life - animal life and especially human life.


Jesus. Who is He? Who is He to you and me? Why is He important? A look back at the Jesus of Christmas. 

How we can celebrate Christmas in this difficult year

A Gift for Jesus (A Short Poem)

Short Christmas poem about what gift we will give to the King. Jesus deserves the best gifts.

Pa Rum Pum Pum Pum and a Smile in the New Year

We honor God by offering ourselves as living sacrifices.  Romans 12 teaches us that all we can give to God comes from Him.

Christmas Is about Joy!

Christmas is about joy because a Savior was born. Jesus came as a baby, not a King, so we can be close to Jesus who offers to have a personal relationship with us.

Emmanuel, God with Us...Still

We celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas time, but in the New Year, it's easy to forget about Him. But He is still with us.

The Christmas Story Began with a Forerunner

John the Baptist was born before Jesus. Why is John the Baptist in biblical history?

John 1, a Rhyming Paraphrase

A Suess-like rhyming version of the Gospel of John chapter 1. Full chapter.

Whiter than Snow

The good news of Jesus illustrated by snowflakes. We can be washed whiter than snow.


  1. Great seasonal reminders of all Jesus does and of who he is!

    1. He is and does so much and He gave us the greatest gift!

  2. Thank you for these wonderful and inspiring posts about Christmas! Lots of reminders of the beauty of our Savior and all He has done!

    1. Thank you, Melissa. I'm glad to make them available on a single page. I hope it helps usher the blessings of Christmas into our hearts.

  3. Stephen, what a great way to share a compilation of poems and writings for Christmastime. Loved "A Gift for Jesus."

    1. Thanks, Karen. I hope people can find something encouraging here. And I'm glad you like "A Gift for Jesus." Jesus is so deserving of our best gifts. Merry Christmas to you and your extended family.

  4. These are great posts, Stephen, and I especially loved "Pa Rum Pum Pum Pum and a Smile in the New Year." Thanks for shining the light of Christ in the world!

    1. Thank you, Jessica. That post is one of my faves, too, and it explains why the Little Drummer Boy is my favorite Christmas songs. Such rich lyrics.

  5. These are wonderful. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you, Melissa. I'm glad they are meaningful for you. Merry Christmas to you, too!

  6. Great Blog! These writings are wonderful, heartfelt and inspiring. What a light, you're shinning this Christmas. Glory be to God in the Highest!

    1. I pray these posts inspire many readers, but even if it's just a few, praise God for the impact. Thank you for reading and commenting. God is worthy of our praise.

  7. The post on joy is great. I like the list to help anyone return and find all your Christmas posts!

    1. The announcement of baby Jesus struck some with fear initially, but ultimately it produced joy! When we understand and trust Jesus as Savior, we can have joy in His presence. Thank you for this comment, Ava. Merry Christmas to you.


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