Journey to Resolve
Resolution 1: Worship God Alone

It’s July, a little late for resolutions, but it’s summer when many of us try to do something different, so here we go. Come with me on a journey to resolve. This is the beginning of a series that will keep us busy for several months. A series of resolutions toward which every Christian should strive. Since we’re in the Year 2024, these resolutions are drawn from every chapter 20, verse 24 of God’s Word – 15 total, 1 post at a time, in the order they appear in our Bibles. Here are the resolutions and Bible books. I will… 1. Worship God Alone (Exodus) 2. Be More Holy (Leviticus) 3. Aim High (Numbers) 4. Trust in God’s Strength (Judges) 5. Nurture Quality Friendships (1 Samuel) 6. Stand for God’s Government (2 Samuel) 7. Follow God Through Highs and Lows (1 Kings) 8. ...