Live Justified

Last week I wrote about injustice and anger that boils within. Today, I share a story about justification that was framed from injustice. It’s a story that many of us have heard in some fashion – a story that I believe we can all relate to if we will pause to hear it. It’s a story about a person who lived a life many of us would applaud, yet whom was killed by people of power. He fell victim to a system that may have been born of good intentions, but somehow ambled into a gait of arrogance and superiority. The perpetrators, in the form of an organized aristocracy and as individuals, didn’t like him messing with the good thing they had going. So, they plotted to slap a death penalty on a man who did no wrong. And they carried out their plot to the bitter end. May I tell you about this victim of injustice? His name is Jesus. In many ways, we can say there are people in America and in other countries, throughout the generations, with the same story. Jesus was a victim of ...