A Gift for Jesus (A Short Poem)

Close up of a few branches of a Christmas tree adorned with beautiful, glowing ornaments

Hi friends. Enjoy this short poem.
Jesus deserves the best gifts.
Share your thoughts in the comments below.

A Gift for Jesus
What gift will we bring
For Jesus the King?
What gift will we lay ‘neath the tree?
Our gifts are in spots
A few, maybe lots
But none are for Christ, can we see?
We care for those near
For those we hold dear
But He is most dear, let’s agree
He’s done much for us
Gave life, love, and thus
We’re dear to Him, though without plea
We owe Him our all
Oh, hear the King’s call
Ourselves in return, let it be
So, what will we give?
How then will we live?
What gift will we lay ‘neath the tree?

Find all of my Christmas posts here.

If you want to know more about Jesus and His gift that He offers freely to all, please email me at authordlv@att.net.

Read more blog posts here.


  1. Replies
    1. Glad to share and thank you for reading. May we offer our best to Jesus this Christmas.

  2. Replies
    1. Amen, Greg. His is good, merciful, and compassionate, even when we don't notice.

  3. Love this God-honoring poem. Thank you for sharing, Stephen!

    1. I'm glad, Melinda. Thank you for reading and sharing. Merry Christmas to you and your extended family!

  4. Such great conviction here! Yes, we focus all our efforts on getting gifts for the people in our lives, but do we focus on using the gifts God has given us for His glory, giving them back to Him every single day? This is something to think about daily. Thank you for this reminder!

    1. Yes, Emily. Giving back to God is an everyday thing. Love that. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  5. Convicting - in a very timely way for me personally. Thanks.

    1. I write it to myself, too, Beth. And, as Emily wrote in her comment, it's not just at Christmas time. Blessings to you as you celebrate the birth of our Savior.

  6. Beautiful reminder amidst the busyness of the season. I enjoy your poetry, Stephen!

    1. It's so easy to lose focus on giving back to Jesus throughout the year, but especially during those busy seasons. Thank you for reading, Candice.

  7. Stephen, I love your poetry so much. Thank you for pressing upon my heart the gift I can bring for my Lord and savior this Christmas.

    1. Thank you, Jessica. It's cool that our gifts to Jesus can be as varied as we are as people, each uniquely designed and crafted by our God. Have a blessed Christmas and celebration of Jesus' birth.

  8. Hi Stephen, Carolyn Garcia here, I wanted to thank you for the beautiful poem, Thank you for sharing, May God Bless You and you have a wonderful Christmas, Sincerely Carolyn.

    1. Hi Carolyn. I'm glad it is meaningful for you. May you have a great Christmas remembering how much Jesus gave for us and considering how much we can give in return.

    2. Hi Steven, I wanted to thank you for the email, and I hope you don't mind I shared it to Twitter under Carolyn Garcia of course with your name representing it, But if you are not comfortable with me sharing I would be more than willing to take it down, but your name is with it. Thanks again Stephen and you have a Blessed Day, Your friend Carolyn Garcia!

    3. Hi Carolyn. You are always welcome to share my posts on twitter or wherever and I appreciate it very much. I also followed you on twitter yesterday because you share great things about Jesus and life with Him. Blessings to you.

  9. Wow, this is beautiful and profound. Thank you for sharing, Stephen. What can we give to the One who gave us all? Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. I'm glad it's meaningful for you, Melissa. In His perfection, He has given more than we ever can and it includes life! He is so deserving of our all. Blessings to you and yours this Christmas.

  10. Hi Stephen, Carolyn here again, hope your doing fine! I need your feedback on something I want to tell you if you don't mind? I was just reading your poem to a good friend of mine, who also believes in our Dear Heavenly Father, so I was reading your poem to him and in return I ask him, by the way he (my friend) doesn't know the Bible that much, which I do, but not all of it, but however after I read the poem to him I ask so what do you think, he said I really like it, and then I ask him so WHAT DO WE GIVE JESUS for Christmas and he says nothing because he gave us our life! I'm like yes your right, but we still own him a gift so I explained it better to him he is Hispanic so he has a little bit of hard time understanding, so this is what I told him and please do let me know if what I told him was right, I said Pedro do you know what we can do to give Jesus a gift, I said open your heart to him and let him lead you down the righteous path and follow him and try to do rightful as best as you can that's the gift we can give Jesus which I have already opened my heart to him and following. So Stephen do you think I explained right please do let me know you have my email if not it is gcarolyn855@gmail.com, Thank you Stephen and hope I hear your response soon, Have a Blessed Day, Carolyn.

    1. Hi Carolyn. I'm replying here so other readers can benefit from this discussion. We can give to Jesus in so many ways and what you shared is great. Following Him and living as He taught is how He wants us to live. You probably know very well what to say to Pedro since he is a dear friend. And, of course, if Pedro doesn't know Jesus as his personal Savior, that is the most critical truth for him to understand. It secures a place for him in Heaven. It's a gift from Jesus to him, but it's also a gift back to Jesus because He rejoices in those who trust Him to receive the gift of eternal life. You might also want to read to him my post called "Whiter than Snow." It explains how we can be washed whiter than snow when we trust Jesus as Savior. Here's the link: https://www.stephendelavega.com/2017/12/whiter-than-snow.html.

  11. Beautiful Stephen! Thanks for sharing... reminds me a little of the Little Drummer Boy song - what gift(s) can we lay before our king?

    And Romans 12:1 comes to mind, "Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship." Our surrender and worship can be somewhat of a gift to Him I think.

    1. I love The Little Drummer Boy and it's funny that you mention it and Romans 12:1 because I wrote about that here: http://bit.ly/38I2qMe. It's called Pa Rum Pum Pum Pum and a Smile in the New Year. You are right. Our surrender and worship are certainly gifts to Him. We don't really have much to offer Him other than that. Merry Christmas to you!


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