Drifting (A Short Poem)

River flowing away through foliage and trees with a blue, cloudy sky in the background

Hi friends. This is not my typical blog post but I want to share it because I’m sure God helped me write it. It’s a short poem. Simple, yet earnest. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

I'd live, I'd laugh,
I'd hone my craft
And smile in the mirror
But life and laughter
Fade to after
As fantasy turns to clearer
Living and fun
Are done when done
And God longs to be dearer
So, thrive with joy
Cast off decoy
Let God be God and nearer


If you want to know more about God and His desire to be nearer to you, please email me at authordlv@att.net.

Read more blog posts here.


  1. Thank you for sharing this special poem with us. Amen. Let God be God and nearer. :-)

    1. You're very welcome. I jotted down a thought. Next thing you know, God gave me a poem. He longs to be first in our hearts.

  2. Beautiful poem, Stephen! And such deep truth here. Your wrap up sentence captures it all, Let God be God and nearer. Well done!

    1. Amen. God so enjoys our nearness. May we grow fonder of Him with each passing day.

  3. I love it. Sometimes simple things make the most profound statements.

    1. Thanks, Yvonne. Joy in the arms of God is better than laughter in our own pursuits.

  4. This is beautiful, Stephen. Thank you for sharing your gift with us and causing us to think about what truly matters in life.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to ponder, Emily. May we enjoy a 2-way adoration with our God.

  5. Poems are so personal because they reflect our hearts. So earnest and unique!

    1. Yes, they express our hearts and I like how readers can engage in ways that are meaningful to them, even with the same words on the page. Thank you for reading and sharing.

  6. This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing this short yet poignant verse about the nearness of God!

    1. Thank you, Melinda. Our own pursuits step in the way and we often need to reset and focus on what's most important.

  7. Stephen, WOW! What a beautiful, powerful reminder of God. He is always so close to us. We only need to relax and look.

    1. Yes, Jessica. He is with us. He is supreme. He is compassionate. He let's us come and remain near to Him.

  8. This poem brought me back to one of the first books I read after becoming a Christian, God Came Near by Max Lucado. Now, 20 years later, be nearer, Lord. Thank you!

    1. That's wonderful. I haven't read that book but I'm glad it is a good memory and encouragement to you. God bless your nearness to Him.

  9. Powerful and true, Stephen! When I think of drifting and about God being near, I think you hit the nail on the head here with that little 3-letter word, "Let." WE choose to let God be near. Oh, He is right there all along, but it's up to us to draw nearer to Him, then He draws nearer to us. (James 4:8)

    1. This is good insight, Karen, and a good verse. Yes. God is here, waiting for some of us to let Him be God again. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


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