Food Is Good, but Jesus Is Better
Have you ever tried fasting? I mean fasting as an intentional step toward a deeper relationship with God or greater dependence on Him. I understand there are many reasons to intentionally fast – some spiritual in nature and others legitimately not spiritual, like for the purposes of medical lab work. This blog post is about my experience with an intentional fast for the purpose of depending more on God. I imagine our experiences will differ, so this blog is not a lesson as much as it is an account. It is also not a commentary or exegesis of Bible passages about fasting. It is an expression of my own personal experience and results. So why did I fast? I led a study on fasting. It was the closing session of a series on a healthy spiritual diet. So, on one hand, I did what a leader should do. I led by example. (Leaders: Our message is superficial if we don’t lead by example. Enough said. Different...