
Journey to Resolve
Resolution 4: Trust in God’s Strength

Last year I started this Journey to Resolve series and began working through every 20:24 verse in the Bible. I knew I wouldn’t finish all 15 posts in 2024, but it’s okay. The 20:25 verses carry the same message because we are digging into the context, the stories, the lessons – and they are great lessons for everyone young and old. Maybe older folks like me will find these resolutions a bit more difficult to put into practice because it truly is hard to teach “old dogs new tricks.” However, it is the same Holy Spirit who indwells each of us, so all of us are capable of following God’s lead and resolving to serve Him better, that is, if we rely on His strength. So, let’s do this. Let’s dig in. One resolution per month, and please pray that I can keep up with posting something meaty to chew on every month of 2025.   (If you want to catch up on the first 3 posts in this series, start here .)   Resolution #4: I Will Trust in God’s Strength Just like in Resolution 3 ( I...

Journey to Resolve
Resolution 3: Aim High

  Look up. Into the sky. Can you see the end of the sky? We can’t see the end, can we? And we don’t have to. It’s satisfying to know there is no end. In fact, the phrase, “The sky’s the limit,” means there is no limit. No limit to the length of the sky. No limit to how successful we can be. No limit to how much money we can earn. No limit to what we can accomplish ... No limit. Aim High. Eyes on the prize. We can get there. It works the same with resolutions. Resolution #3: I Will Aim High We discussed worshiping and obeying God in Resolutions 1 and 2 . Worshiping the true God while also worshiping other “gods” is not really worshiping the true God. Obeying God sporadically or less than wholeheartedly is not really obeying God. But if we aim high, we will be more consistent in our worship and obedience. We will be less prone to compromise and, instead, position ourselves to succeed rather than fall short. What I mean by aiming high is honoring God more earnestly. I mean...

Journey to Resolve
Resolution 2: Be More Holy

  How are we doing with our first resolution:  I will worship God alone ? That resolution was from  Exodus 20:24 . In  Exodus 20 , the Israelites promised to worship only God. They did that for a while until their faith leader Moses was gone too long. Then they crafted and worshiped a golden calf instead. A statue. They were too comfortable worshiping in the manner of their captors, the Egyptians, from whom God rescued them. After they misplaced their allegiance onto the statue, they quickly slipped into feasting and carousing – carousing in ways that dishonored the true God. This felt more familiar to them. Worshiping the true God was a promise that quickly faded from their hearts. They had resolved to worship God and only God, but the reality of His presence was not a present reality in their hearts.     Yet God was present.   ****  Click to tweet  ****   Is the reality of   God's presence   a present reality   in our he...