Resurrecting Grace

Book Cover: Image of crown of thorns wrapped around a glorious golden crownImage of crown of thorns wrapped around a glorious golden crown

Resurrecting Grace

A Bible Study Series on the Grace of Salvation

Available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback

"Resurrecting Grace is a potent treatment of the importance of giving Jesus His rightful place in our lives. It's great material for a small group to explore the great themes of God's redemption in the life of a believer. I enjoyed the clear and compelling voice it gives to those whose lives need to bring to center-stage the work of Jesus Christ at the Cross and His glorious resurrection. The material is thoroughly Biblical but also very practical. I believe it will bless any individual or group wanting to draw nearer to Jesus Christ."

Dr. Larry Vold, Senior Pastor
3Crosses Church, Castro Valley, California

"Resurrecting Grace is an inspiring and thought provoking Bible study series. Moreover, this series is full of nuggets of truth about God’s grace and love for mankind. After each session I was left with wanting to know more and more about God’s grace. I was moved by how Steve takes us on the journey with Christ after He is crucified to rising from the grave and to finally sitting down on the right hand of God the Father. This study was a refreshing reminder of how good God has been to us and that we should go out and to tell others. I highly recommend this study for everyone."

Vance Hunter, Pastor of Hospitality & Care Ministries
3Crosses Church, Castro Valley, California

About the Series

Understand God's grace that led Jesus to the cross in this fresh walk through the Easter story and the grace of Ephesians Chapter 2. You will enjoy this 5-session Bible study series developed for small groups and church communities. You will experience a deeper and richer Easter.

Jesus was laid to rest in a tomb of honor, but it was not honor that brought Him there. The death of Jesus was not a death of honor, but one of mockery, deceit, divisiveness, lies, misunderstanding, pain… The list goes on. Sure, there were tears, there was devotion, but only from a few, and in the end, not even from His closest followers. But Jesus knew this would happen…ahead of time. It was all part of His grace-filled plan.

This study illustrates the grace of God in the chronology of events that follow the crucifixion of Jesus: from His tomb, to His many appearances, to his exaltation to the right hand of the Father. Grace is demonstrated in each of 5 movements that occur after Jesus died on the cross. In this 5-session series, students will discover how these movements of grace illustrate God’s design for the transformation of a heart that turns to Jesus, and how they spell G-R-A-C-E.

     G rave
     R esurrection
     A ppearances
     C harge
     E xaltation

How to Use this Book

Small Group Bible Study Leaders
Experienced and first time leaders will benefit from the Leader Guide. Experienced leaders can add to or scale back the material to suit the needs of the group. Each session is written so that first time leaders can read the material or simply refer to it and, either way, have meaningful, life-challenging discussions. Leaders should purchase only the Leader Guide because the Participant Guide contains only excerpts of the Leader Guide in addition to all of the discussion questions.

Small Group Bible Study Participants
Save some money and purchase only the Participant Guide. There is really no need to purchase the Leader Guide, but you may use the Leader Guide instead if you like reading exactly what the Leader is reading.

Those who will study on their own without a group
Purchase the Leader Guide. You can use this series as a personal devotional study book. But be sure to read the Bible references and prayerfully consider the questions. 


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